Pile Burning Notification for NTPUD Gentry Property and North Tahoe Regional Park
We are conducting pile burning operations at the NTPUD Gentry Property beginning today, November 14th, and at the North Tahoe Regional Park tomorrow, November 15th through this week. Please see the attached maps and/or visit tahoelivingwithfire.com to learn more about current fuels reduction projects, and other resources that may be available to you.
Fall Newsletter 2022
The 2022 fire season was a welcome break compared to recent years. We experienced no red flag warnings for the first time in 11 years, and the early record-setting rain we received in September helped to bring the Mosquito Fire under containment. Cal Fire is reporting less than 375,000 acres burned this year compared to nearly 2.5 million acres at the same time last year, and our November storm brought welcome precipitation to the region, ending our fire season and allowing us to lift seasonal fire restrictions.
Dispose of fireplace/wood stove ashes properly at Lake Tahoe
As the temperatures drop outside, thoughts turn to cozying up in front of a warm indoor fire. When using fireplaces/wood stoves and heating appliances indoors this winter it’s very important to remember a few safety tips and precautions. Heating equipment and improper ash disposal are leading causes of home and wildland fires during the fall and winter months.
Burning Restrictions Lifted in North Tahoe Fire and Meeks Bay Fire Protection Districts
The early November storm brought ample moisture to the region for the seasonal CAL FIRE burn suspensions to be lifted. CAL FIRE’s lifting of restrictions indicates the end of our local fire season, and the Fire Chief has lifted seasonal fire restrictions for North Tahoe Fire and Meeks Bay Fire Protection Districts. Homeowners are permitted to use properly screened wood-burning firepits and chimeneas, and charcoal barbecues throughout the cold weather months unless high winds/red flag weather conditions prohibit safe use. (The outdoor burning of wood and charcoal is never permitted at Short-Term Rentals.)
North Tahoe Fire Board Accepts $528,673 in Grant Funding
At its September board meeting, the North Tahoe Fire Board of Directors approved acceptance of the 2021 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG), along with an El Dorado County Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Grant. Combined, the awards total $528,673 for a rescue apparatus, extrication equipment, and advanced cancer screenings for firefighters.
Summer 2022 – Annual Newsletter
I like to start off my greetings by sharing how proud I am of our talented professionals at NTFPD, all of whom are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of fire protection, fire prevention, rescue, and Advanced Level Emergency Medical Services and ambulance transport. We are proud to serve and protect you, your friends and loved ones, your homes and your businesses. We hope you enjoy our annual newsletter!
Fire Season Declared 2022 – Burn Restrictions in Effect
On May 19, 2022, CALFIRE NEU suspended burn permits for the season, and on Monday, May 24, 2022 CALFIRE AEU followed suit, resulting in full suspension of residential burn permits in the Tahoe Basin. These are the triggers that prompt North Tahoe Fire Protection District (NTFPD), Meeks Bay Fire Protection District (MBFPD), and Alpine Springs County Water District (ASCWD) to activate local fire restrictions that suspend the outdoor burning of solid fuels, including wood and charcoal. The suspension takes effect Wednesday, June 1, 2022, and remains in effect for the duration of fire season.
North Lake Tahoe High School Senior Raises Funds for Wildland Fire Protection
Just last week, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara announced “Safer from Wildfires,” a new insurance framework that incorporates wildfire safety measures that make homes and businesses more resilient to wildfire. The North Tahoe Fire Protection District (NTFPD) has been incorporating many of these same elements, collaborating with communities to prepare for fire season. The district maintains a robust Forest Fuels program, offering Defensible Space Inspections, assisting in Firewise USA programs for insurance discounts, and Curbside Chipping at no cost to residents, in addition to other fuels management efforts to mitigate the threats of wildfire at the community level.