Appointments & Inspections
Request an NTF/MBF Pre-development Meeting to determine applicable fire codes, processes, fees, and the need for alternative materials and methods to meet the same practical effect of fire codes. CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A MEETING.
Residents must submit a request to schedule the grant-funded residential curbside chipping service for a residential property.
Once the request is received, the address will be added to the scheduled route to provide the chipping service in area-specific zones.
Demand for this program has increased substantially, and the schedule is set by zone to provide the most efficient service possible.
Removal Permit is offered for defensible space purposes only. TRPA allows the removal of trees up to 14 inches in diameter without a permit (or 6 inches for Lakefront Properties). Permits are not issued for other reasons such as disease, structural hazards, or view enhancement. If a tree must be removed for one of these other reasons, visit TRPA.
A Fire & Life Safety Inspection is required for all business license applications, business license renewals, and a lapse in the business license.
If you have any questions regarding the status of your application or are no longer in business, please contact the Business License Officer for the Placer County Treasurer-Tax Collector, at 530-889-4120
Click here for the Board Approved Cost Recovery Schedule
For all properties that do not have an active building permit or STR/VHR permit - If you are requesting an inspection and are not the homeowner, you will need to fill out an Authorized Agent Form.
Permit or Construction Final Inspections are not grant-funded.
Fire Final Inspections are required before scheduling final inspections with Placer Co./El Dorado Co. and/or finalizing a construction project.
Grant-funded inspections help residents create defensible space around their property.
The District provides homeowners with a report of the findings with educational materials that will help them comply with defensible space.
If compliance is not met on the first inspection it is highly advised to schedule a second inspection to ensure compliance is verified in our database.
These inspections can also be used to maintain homeowner insurance.
Similar to educational defensible space inspections, homeowners can get a free inspection for guidance on what is needed, and another to verify compliance.
If the property does not meet defensible space compliance at the second inspection, a $182 fee will be charged for additional insurance-related inspections.
Final Defensible Space Inspections are not grant-funded and are required before scheduling final inspections with Placer Co./El Dorado Co.
El Dorado County is requiring fire and life safety inspections for Vacation Home Rentals (VHRs).
Placer County is requiring defensible space inspections for Short-Term Rental permits.
Someone must be present with key(s). The inspector will meet the homeowner at the address to lock keys.
To order a Knox Box, please visit Knox Box.
For properties in El Dorado County – Order under Meeks Bay Fire Protection District
For properties in Placer County – Order under North Tahoe Fire Protection District
Only Schools, Jails, High-rises, R1s, and R2s.
As of July 1, 2021, Assembly Bill 38 requirements on real estate defensible space compliance are in effect:
All requests for real estate/AB38 defensible space inspections shall be directed to the Cal Fire website fire.ca.gov/dspace
Specific questions, inquiries, or complaints regarding AB38 inspections:
For properties in Placer County: CAL FIRE Nevada Yuba Placer Unit (NEU) Defensible Space Phone Line: 530-889-0111 ext. 1024
For Properties in El Dorado County: CAL FIRE Amador El Dorado Unit (AEU) Defensible Space Phone Line: 530-708-2793