North Tahoe Fire is doing plan reviews for Meeks Bay Fire. Visit our Plan Review Applications and Resources page for more information.
If you have questions regarding the plan review submittal process, please email the Plan Review email.
The fire district does not own or service fire hydrants. They are either privately owned by the local water purveyor or owned by the public utility district in that area. You will need to find out who provides water services for the address in question, they will be able to provide the location of the nearest hydrant to that address.
If the property is serviced by TCPUD or NTPUD, you will need to go through them to obtain hydrant flow data. If the property is serviced by a private water purveyor, schedule the hydrant flow test with us by visiting our bookings page here. Private water purveyors allow the district to perform hydrant flow tests on their hydrants but the public utility district will perform its own hydrant flow test.
To obtain the most accurate hydrant information, contact the water purveyor for your property. The water purveyors own and are responsible for district hydrants.
Residential Burn Permits may only be obtained directly through the CAL FIRE WEB PAGE.
For additional information on residential burning, visit our BURN PERMITS PAGE. You are required to always follow Burning Guidelines and Red Flag Warnings.
For more information on Red Flag Warning Days, visit our RED FLAG WARNINGS PAGE.
Please visit our DISTRICT STAFF page. You will find the contact information for our EMS Battalion Chief.
Please refer to our RED FLAG WARNING page for details on red flag warnings.
Please refer to the Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team website for prescribed burning in the Tahoe Basin. A link to this page is on our PRESCRIBED BURNING page, as well as our HELPFUL LINKS page.
The Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Class™ rating for ASCWD is 3/3y. The GIS mapping issue has been corrected for that area. For more information on the District’s ISO rating please visit the INSURANCE QUESTIONS page.