Special Events
Dear Event Promoter,
We are very happy to assist in making your event as successful as possible.
Due to the increased numbers and magnitude of special events within our Districts in recent years, we have had to review and update our policies and procedures related to special events. Special events should not negatively impact the normal levels of service and typical response times of emergency services to any incident within our jurisdiction.
We request your cooperation in reviewing the policy, completing the application form, and providing as much information as possible related to the event. Once we receive the completed application, plan review fee, and event information, we will review it and determine what, if any, additional steps or mitigation measures may be needed before we approve the event. Cost recovery fees are generally associated with any plan review, services or inspections.
Some events may require nothing more than a “Will Serve” type of letter for permitting agencies such as county and state authorities. If we determine the impact and/or magnitude of the event affects levels of service to a point deemed unacceptable by
District personnel, you will be requested to enter into an agreement for services to help mitigate these affects.
All events are required to submit a completed application form and plan describing event activities, timelines and any temporary facilities proposed. The event may also require state mandated inspections of temporary facilities such as tents, stages and structures.
Other entities, such as the County, Caltrans, SSV-EMS or others, may have additional application or mitigation requirements and should be contacted.
Thank you in advance for your timely response to these matters.
Steve Leighton
Fire Chief
Brent Armstrong
Division Chief of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal
Email for Special Events – Customer Service