The Safety Division is headed by Battalion Chief Naman Beatie
Battalion Chief Beatie is responsible for the District’s structural and wildland fire suppression equipment program, Safety and Risk Management Program, and personal protective gear procurement. As the Safety Officer, Chief Beatie is responsible for all accident and near-miss investigations. Much of this work is accomplished with the assistance of multiple program coordinators and technical experts. It is very much a “team effort” that results in the highly effective delivery of service to our constituents and visitors to the area.
The District provides all-risk service to a large and diverse region including incidents that are typical to a municipal fire district and those not typical to a municipal fire district such as water and ice rescue, year-round back county rescue, confined space rescue, and avalanche response, wildland and urban interface vegetation fires, rope rescue. Providing the newest and best equipment available combined with the best-trained employees is a cornerstone to providing effective emergency all-risk service to the public.
The District participates in the statewide mutual aid system for both California and Nevada, as well as other states when requested. Our personnel is trained and equipped to provide all risk mutual aid no matter where it is needed.