Fuels Management
Carnelian Woods Pile Burn Project Highlights Important Partnerships and Lessons
As of July 1, 2021, Assembly Bill 38 requirements pertaining to real estate defensible space compliance are in effect – Placer County Assembly Bill 38
All requests for real estate/AB38 defensible space inspection shall be directed to CAL FIRE by going to https://www.fire.ca.gov/dspace
Scroll down on the left side of the page to “Request a Defensible Space Inspection” and click on “click here to start”
Follow the instructions and fill out the defensible space inspection request form and a CAL FIRE defensible space inspector will receive the request.
For any specific questions, inquiries, or complaints regarding AB38 inspections:
For properties in Placer County – CAL FIRE Nevada Yuba Placer Unit (NEU) Defensible Space Phone Line: 530-889-0111 ext. 1024
For Properties in El Dorado County – CAL FIRE Amador El Dorado Unit (AEU) Defensible Space Phone Line: 530-708-2793