Fuels Management
As of July 1, 2021, Assembly Bill 38 requirements pertaining to real estate defensible space compliance are in effect – Placer County Assembly Bill 38
All requests for real estate/AB38 defensible space inspection shall be directed to CAL FIRE by going to https://www.fire.ca.gov/dspace
Scroll down on the left side of the page to “Request a Defensible Space Inspection” and click on “click here to start”
Follow the instructions and fill out the defensible space inspection request form and a CAL FIRE defensible space inspector will receive the request.
For any specific questions, inquiries, or complaints regarding AB38 inspections:
For properties in Placer County – CAL FIRE Nevada Yuba Placer Unit (NEU) Defensible Space Phone Line: 530-889-0111 ext. 1024
For Properties in El Dorado County – CAL FIRE Amador El Dorado Unit (AEU) Defensible Space Phone Line: 530-708-2793